Limited Time: Enrollment is Now Open

All The Mentoring You Need To Build a "Low-Tech" Successful Online Business as a Writer or Coach

(Without Feeling Overwhelmed by

Technology, Self-Doubt, or Too Many Choices)


You have the talent, the passion, and the drive to make it as a writer or coach - all you need is a little guidance to get you there. 

Imagine waking up every morning feeling confident and excited about your work as an author, coach, or course creator. Picture yourself sharing your unique message with the world and making a real impact on the lives of others.

Imagine seeing your books, courses, or coaching programs become bestsellers, receiving rave reviews from satisfied customers, and being invited to speak at conferences and events.

Picture yourself achieving financial freedom and time freedom, allowing you to live life on your own terms and pursue your passions and hobbies.


The Struggle is Real. 😟

You've tried it all: buying courses, attending workshops, reading books.

But still, you find yourself stuck in the same place, feeling overwhelmed and confused.

The truth is, there's a lot of misinformation out there.

And it's not your fault.

You've been told that there's a magic bullet solution, a one-size-fits-all formula, that will guarantee your success. But in reality, that's just not the case.

Don't let the misinformation out there hold you back any longer. It's time to take control of your business and your future.

Following a Proven, Step-by-Step System Puts YOU in Control of Your Income, Your Opportunities, and Your Life

Turn your passion into a platform.

Are you one of the many people who long to ditch the cubicle and go to work for yourself, on your own terms? What's holding you back? Self-doubt, fear, technology challenges, the feeling that there are already too many other people doing what you want to do? It's time to face those things head-on and transform your passion into a thriving business.

There is a mission only you can fulfill. The world needs you to chase your talents. 

 Your talents are unique and valuable, and the world needs them. Don't hold back - pursue your mission and make a difference.

Your message is needed in the world!

Meet Your Online Business Mentor

Hey There!

My name is Jonathan Milligan, and I'm your online business mentor. I'm passionate about helping writers and coaches build a business that aligns with their purpose and values. I've been in the online business space for over a decade and have worked with thousands of writers and coaches to help them achieve their goals.

I know firsthand the challenges of building a successful online business and have made it my mission to help others avoid the mistakes I made along the way. I've been featured in publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and The Huffington Post, and have spoken at conferences on topics related to online business.

My goal as your mentor is to help you build a business that aligns with your values and allows you to make a positive impact in the world. Whether you're just getting started or are looking to take your business to the next level, I'm here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Here's the great news: There's no magic bullet to success: it's just about personalizing your approach that is in alignment with YOUR strengths and following a framework that works!

And now, you're not alone. 

Introducing Online Business Insider

A step-by-step roadmap for building a successful online business as a writer or coach, customized to your unique strengths and goals.

The 5-Step Online Insider Success Path


Unleash the power of your message and connect with your audience like never before with our proven framework.


Launch your platform and reach your audience with confidence using our proven strategies and personalized guidance.


Craft an irresistible offer that your audience can't refuse and watch your business soar with our proven guidance and support.


Unlock the power of automated sales and watch your business thrive with our low-tech approach to building your funnel.


Attract your ideal audience and watch your business grow with our proven traffic playbooks and personalized guidance.

And how do we do all of that?

Through a combination of three pillars of success:


Instant Lifetime Access to our Online Business Learning Library that contains step-by-step tutorial videos for everything you need to build a successful online business. 


I'll be your personal mentor and coach. We offer weekly coaching calls to keep you motivated and accountable. You can also instant message me anytime. 


Our amazing community is ready to provide quick answers to any questions you might have. No more needing to Google or YouTube everything. We got you!

Here's What You'll Find Inside

Module 1 is a game-changer - Master Your Mindset. Discover the four daily focus habits that are guaranteed to catapult your productivity and success. Imagine breaking free from limiting beliefs and self-sabotage! With these habits, you will take control of your mindset and achieve everything you set out to do.

Do you struggle with the fear of not being good enough? Fear not, as Module 2 - Discover Your Message - is here to help. You will learn to uncover your unique strengths, message, and target audience. Imagine confidently sharing your message and attracting your ideal clients with ease.

Module 3 - Launch Your Platform - is a game-changer for those overwhelmed by tech problems. Discover the fastest way to bring your website, branding, and platform to life with my low-tech website strategy. Once you implement this, you'll never worry about how your website looks again.

Don't waste time and money creating products no one wants. Instead, jump into Module 4 - Choose Your Offer. Learn four different ways to create a validated offer so you can test your idea and get paid before you create anything. With over 12 different income streams to implement, the possibilities are endless.

In Module 5 - Build Your Funnel, you'll learn my 8 proven marketing funnels. Imagine letting these funnels do the selling for you on autopilot. Say goodbye to the uneasiness of self-promotion and never feel salesy again.

Last but not least, Module 6 - Attract Your Traffic - is essential for getting more eyeballs on your offers. Learn my 6 proven traffic playbooks to ensure your offers are seen by the right people. Say goodbye to the worry of no one seeing your offers ever again.

Our Success Path:

All of the modules above serve as their own online course in our platform. As you can see from the Success Path below, our Online Business Learning Library is very comprehensive and covers ALL the areas you need in your online business. 

Also Included:

Personal Help Via Weekly Coaching Calls

I’ll personally be your coach and mentor. After you complete enrollment, your first step will be to book a 1-on-1 Roadmap Call with me. On the call, I’ll help you determine what I think are your Three BIG 90-Day Goals

With over eight live monthly coaching calls, you’ll be able to get answers quick so we can keep your momentum going.

And, if that’s not enough, you can private message me personally anytime you are stuck! For on the spot coaching.

Support and Feedback in our Private Community

Our motto in Insider is that “Success Happens in Community.” When you join, you’ll also get access to our private community, where you’ll be able to interact with other full-time and part-time online business owners.

A rule in our community is "no post left behind." Daily we are answering questions, responding to DMs (Direct Messages), and more!

Our amazing community is ready and available to provide quick answers to the questions you have.

>>> Oh, And Also... <<<

12+ Bonus Courses

So...what's all of this worth?

  • Weekly Coaching Calls, valued at $12,000

  • The On-Demand Curriculum, valued at $11,500

  • Private Message Coaching, valued at $1,500

  • Private Community Access, valued at $2,000

Total Value: $27,000

But that's not what you'll pay...

Single Payment


Total Value: $27,000

  • 6-Part Online Business Course Library
  • Live, Weekly Coaching Calls
  • 12 Deep Dive Course Bonuses
  • Access to Private Community Portal
  • Lifetime Course Access

Monthly Installments


Total Value: $27,000

  • 6-Part Online Business Course Library
  • Live, Weekly Coaching Calls
  • 12 Deep Dive Course Bonuses
  • Access to Private Community Portal
  • Lifetime Course Access after 12 months

A few words from a few of our students...

This Program is Designed to Pay for Itself

Now, look: Obviously we can't make any guarantees about your income. It's up to you to do the work. But this stuff works if you work it. 

Here's the difference between a purchase and an investment: A purchase is something you pay money for and that sits around your house. An investment is something that you pay for and that eventually pays for itself. A new TV? A purchase. A program that will teach you how to build a business as a writer or coach? An investment. 

An we get it, it's not easy to invest in yourself. There are so many lurking questions. "What if I don't use it?" "what if it works for everyone else, but not for me?" "What if I lose motivation?"

So let us clear this up: One of the reasons that this program works- and that it doesn't work to try to "figure it out on your own"-is that, not only do you get the full training all in one place, but you also have the support, encouragement, and accountability of the Online Business Insider community. 

If you think you're the first student to worry about whether you'd use the course, whether you weren't able to make it work for yourself, or whether you'd lose motivation-you'd be very wrong.

But our students know that sometimes they just have to be brave and have faith in themselves. We can show you what to do, and when your motivation wanes (it will-it always does!), we can keep you going. This is more than just a course, it's a community of students just like you. 

Join Us in Online Business Insider Now!

Still Thinking About It?

Here's Something You Should Know

It's easy to tell ourselves, "Now's not the right time." or "I'll do it later." But here's the thing: There's never a "convenient" time to change your life. But the right time to do it? Right now.

The longer you wait to get started, the harder it is to get started. Until, like most people, you just don't get started at all. 

And do you really want to be like most people? Most people don't value their lives enough to even try for something more, different, and better. It takes just a little bit of bravery at the beginning to start yourself down the path to the kind of life you really deserve. 

So, it's up to you: 40+ hours a week at a job you don't really like, making less than you could, feeling trapped, feeling disappointed, and feeling like life is passing you by...or taking control of your career, your income, and your life. 

Don't sell yourself short: Join us in Online Business Insider today. 

Frequently Asked Questions!


  • You've struggled with building a message-based business in the past OR you've been afraid to get started
  • You've always wanted to get paid to write, coach, teach or speak
  • You want to create more time and financial freedom for you and your loved ones
  • You're open to learning new things and trying new tactics
  • You want to enjoy what you do for a living (and even look forward to Mondays)
  • You want to work from anywhere and help people who live everywhere
  • You want to build passive income streams that allow you to have more financial security
  • You have a message to share and want to get paid sharing your advice
  • You want to be the one who decides how much you work and how much you make.


  • You want a business selling physical products (ex. jewelry, handmade items, Etsy store, or selling on eBay)
  • You're not open to learning anything new
  • You can't be supportive of your fellow entrepreneurs
  • You're looking for a get rich quick scheme (You're not willing to do the work)
  • You're not willing to follow carefully laid out steps
  • You'd prefer staying in your comfort zone instead of making the most of your life

What are you waiting for?

Join Online Business Insider Now!

What is Your Freedom (and Security) Worth to You? Some Math...

Okay, obviously, you can't put a price on freedom and you can't put a price on security. But what we CAN do is put a price on your products and services and get a quick snapshot at some earning potential. 

Scenario 1:

Let’s say, you go with the coaching track, in a month you're ready to go out there and get some clients, let's say you land:

  • 1 coaching client for $2,000. And by the way, these prices I’m quoting here are really conservative. You’d likely be charging more. And we teach you how to figure that out in the course!
  • 20 workshop attendees for a total of $500
  • 5 course sales for $500 each.

That’s a total of $5,000. And of course this is not a guarantee. You could make much more or much less. That’s entirely up to you as you put this course into action. Could you double that and make $10,000? Absolutely.

But let’s say it’s one of your first months, so you’re just just ramping up and you make $5,000.

Well, $5,000 divided by $2,500 is 2x.

You will have doubled the money you invested in just the first few months.

Scenario 2:

Or let’s say that you want to go more of the teaching track.

So you launch a monthly membership that costs $25 a month and you are able to attract just 100 members.

That would be a monthly cashflow of $2,500 a month or $25,000 per year.

You will have made back this investment more than 10 times over.

And that's just in one simple year launching just one income stream. So let's extrapolate a bit. Let's say you commit to this, launch more revenue streams, ask questions, get feedback, and scale your business income to $100,000 for the year. Six figures. 

The Online Business Insider Program will have paid for itself 40 times over.

And what about your return on investment over your entire business spread out over several years? Well, we'll let you do the math on that. :) 

So, You've Got Two Choices

You could just stay where you are, stuck in the same old routine, wondering why you're not making the progress you want. But the truth is, if you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting the same results. 

You could choose to move forward - you could choose to take action toward your dreams. Join my program, where you'll get a personalized plan that gives you the flexibility to pursue your passions while also providing the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals

Choice two is that you move forward and take control of your business, your income and your life. You can do this and you're about to get all of the steps and the support to get there.

Join Online Business Insider Now!